Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up

This weekend was another fun one here at the Stemp House! Friday was a rainy day, so we didn't take Parker to T-Ball. Not sure if his practice was actually cancelled since we didn't hear from his coach, so Cory made the executive decision to keep him home. Instead, we had snacks and hung out and played downstairs. I stopped at Home Depot to try and fix the whole "Hippie Lime Green" fiasco. More pics on that later. I will leave ya hanging!

Saturday Cory's Freshman team had a game vs. Eastmont (which they ended up splitting with), so the kids and I stopped by the fields for awhile before running errands. We couldn't stay at the game very long due to the hurricane wind gusts!! What's up with the wind lately? Anyways, we came home and I did what yardwork I could while the kids jumped on the trampoline. I don't know where they learn these things, but they started playing this game where Parker played dead and Callie tried to revive him. Have they been giving CPR training on Dora that I missed? Once Callie saved Parker's life, they would jump up and yell each other's names and hug really big only to fall back down and start all over.

Parker is working on getting himself dressed lately..saying, "I do it meselfs"..Here's how that worked out..

After dinner and baths, Cory busted out a playskool dance cam we've had up in the closet that I think I got the kids LAST Easter!! Okay so this thing is hilarious. Basically there are different characters that tell the kids how to dance in the bottom part of the screen. There is a mini camera you hook up to your TV so the kids see the little character and themselves dancing. It plays kid music along with the doggie or turtle telling them things like "Dig around", "Shake your tail", "Put your hands in the air!" That kind of thing. Even Parker was getting down with his bad self!!

Sunday I got up early, so I decided to make some coffee and finish the book I've been reading, "Running With Angels". I'll be throwing in a book review on here later this week.

After the kids got up, we went outside for some yard work. There was some major yuckage on the side of our house from winter. We have new neighbors next door and those poor people had to look at that everyday. I tried to take some before and after pics for your viewing pleasure.

Guess what? I did it all by me-selfs! Cory played beer pong all night with friends had a late night so we let him sleep in. Finally, I got him up, but all he could think about was Ibuprofen. Hahaha!! Here's the best shot I got of him.
A little hungover grumpy? Um Yes! Although, he did mow the lawn AND take Parker and Callie to his fields for a weekend T-Ball leason. What a guy!

While he was doing that, I headed to Badger Mountain for my first hike up the hill! I was excited Melissa invited me because hiking Badger was one of my fitness goals for 2011. I will try and share my complete goal list this week..Now that the year is a third over! Anywhoz, My mom came and picked me up and we met Melissa there. She brought the water!

Here's some pics from the bottom of the mountain..

Here we are at our first rest stop! We didn't roll off the hill or get bitten by any snakes so we were very excited.

WE DID IT! We made it to the top!!

The scenery was beautiful!
I will definatly do this again. Melissa has a goal of doing the hike once a week. I hope I can join her more often. I really cannot believe people run that thing!

After I got back I stopped by the baseball fields to see how practice with the kids was going. Parker's got base running down as well as dropping the bat! We'll see how that carries over the the game on Tuesday! Cory's really good at coaching Parker so I think it'll stick as long as Cory's there to help him remember this week. I didn't take any pics of them because well- I was pooped after the hike and forgot. I just wanted fluids and dinner..I was starving! We stopped at the store where Cory tried to pay with our gas card (oops forgot the debit card at home!) We had to turn around, go get the debit card, and go back to the store again. It was worth it though because Cory made me one of my new favorites- California Sushi Rolls. It's sticky rice with crab meat, avacado, and cucumber. Yum!
Shoulda took a picture of that too but you know, my legs are already stiffening up and it was getting mind is on Monday..
So that was my weekend- how was yours?? It's supposed to be nice this week..what are your plans???? Oh, and KeHS vs. Kamiakin @ HOME tomorrow..who's goin'?!

1 comment:

The Stemps said...

@ ROY not Kamiakin!!!