Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Goal Review!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2011 was good to me, I cannot complain too much. Crazy I never got around to sharing all of my 2011 goals with you- my bloggy peeps. So 365 days late, but here there are. BUUUUUTTTTT, I am sharing my 2012 goals with you so you are only allowed to be mad at me for a second.



-Complete FPU- FPU is a program by Dave Ramsey that helps you learn about money and getting out of debt. I did not complete FPU this year, but did read The Total Money Makeover and LOVED it.

-Pay for Disneyland with cash only. DONE and best time ever.

-Pay off $3K worth of debt. DONE and way more than exceeded this.

-Pay off all medical and dental debt. DONE. This came down to the last month of the year, but we did it!


-Run 1 mile without stopping. DONE. Got this done January 2011. A great way to kick off my year last year. Little did I know how much I would grow to love running.

-Try 3 veggie options rather than meat (I.e. boca bugers, vegisausage). Nope. Only did this once- tried eggplant for the first time in an eggplant grilled sandwich. It was delish!! Hopefully this year I can branch out a little more.

-Complete March For Babies in 90 minutes. Rocked it in 70 minutes! Full recap was HERE.

- Kayak 1 time. Sadly I did not get to kayak last year. It's on my bucket list though and would love to get to kayak this year!

-Fix bike and use it once a week. Another goal I didn't make. This would be a good warm weather goal for me this year though.

- Hike Badger Mtn. DONE! I got to do this a few times last year and talk about it HERE. This is a great exercise to do when it's nice outside and I need to cross train.

-Be under 160 pounds by June 1st. DONE! Reached this goal in May ( I believe..I was doing "No Weigh May" so I'm guesstimating. Weight loss has been my struggle, but luckily I was have been able to maintain this weigh

-Run a 5K. DONE! I reached this goal in May as well. I do a full race recap HERE. This was one of my biggest accomplishments all year.

Own a cute running outfit. DONE! Thanks to a Christmas present from my in-laws, this goal can be checked off!

- Go Roller Skating. It's too bad I didn't complete this goal. It's such a fun way to burn some calories.


- Bring family pics to my office. DONE! An easy goal, but it sure does brighten my day to look over and see the reason why I go to work smiling at me.

- Start planning for per diem status change. This has been a long time goal for Cory and I, but this year just wasn't the year. We want to make sure we are financially ready for me to reduce my hours before making this transition. This goal will be on my 2012 list for sure. More on this topic later.


-Read 2 books. DONE! Checkity Check! Read a lot of good books this year! I did a few book reviews on running books HERE.

- Have family pics taken in the fall DONE!

-Put myself on a cleaning schedule DONE! This has made such a difference to me. I tend to feel overwhelmed with the amount of cleaning I need to get done. My schedule has helped me reduce some of that stress.

-Do 2 arts and craft activities with the kids monthly DONE! We had a blast doing it too!

-Go camping 3 times. DONE! I talk about 1 of our trips HERE.

-Start using video camera. DONE! Got lots of great and priceless footage this year!

-Update blog at least twice a month. DONE! It was hard some months, but I did it!

So that's it! My 2011 goals. Most were met, so I'm happy. Stay tuned to find out about my 2012 goals and holiday updates!!

Thanks to all my readers who have stuck by me through the boring, the dull, and the extensive breaks between posts.

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