Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 GOALS

Well I hope you enjoyed my post on my 2011 goals. With a new year, brings new goals. Always looking forward. Posting my goals on my blog not only keep my motivated, but it's a good way for other people to keep me in check. Thanks in advance bloggy peeps!


-Pay off all credit cards. We don't have that much left, only 1 card, but still- we want to never see a capital one bill again!!

-Pay off student loan. Yes, I graduated in 2006 from college but I'm still paying on my loan. I'm ready to kick old lady Sallie Mae outta my house!

-Pay off all medical/dental bills immediately. No more payments!

- Use "Cash Only" Envelope system. This is a Dave Ramsey way of life. Here is the info on the envelope system.


-Run a 10K. I always do the March for Babies, so this one will be done in April. Let's see if I can beat my time from last year!

-Run Bloomsday. THIS RACE should be a blast. Hoping to run it with family, so it should be fun.

-Kayak 1 time. This is a carried-over goal from 2011. I WILL do this.

-Make into the "Healthy Weight" category for my height. Between 146-148 pounds.

-In warm weather, bike once a week.

-Run while on a camping trip.

-Drink more water than pop.


-Change part time status to per diem.

-Complete 8 hours education hours.


-Complete 1 Bucket List item. I'll be sharing my bucket list sometime this year. Stay tuned!

-Try 1 new thing a week. I want to go outside my comfort zone this year and have more adventures.

-Go camping 3 times.

-Take kids to see a waterfall up close.

-Go to Silverwood or Silver Mountain.

-Read 3 books and complete book reviews on blog.

So that is all folks! My goals. Do you have any goals for 2012??

1 comment:

Katie said...

We have some similar financial and fitness goals! Good luck!