Monday, May 2, 2011


I am skipping Weekend Wrap Up because well, my weekend was pretty boring. I did manage to have a PR run on Saturday..31:48 whoop whoop! Sunday I hiked my bones up Badger again with the sis. That was a nice walk. It was sooo beautiful outside.

So, Hubs cut me off from the scale.

I was getting slightly obsessed with it. When I first started exercising at the beginning of the year, it was all about getting healthy. I wasn't happy with my weight, but it wasn't just about that. I wanted to feel better about myself and set a good example for Parker and Callie. I want to be able to play tag with them without having to stop because I was too tired. I don't want to pass on my weight/food issues down to them. I want to babysit my great grandchildren. Losing weight was just going to be icing on the cake. Except that's not what's been happening.

What's been happening is I HAVE to weigh myself every morning. If I didn't lose weight, I would beat myself up so much. I would feel really down and like all the exercising I've been doing has been for nothing. It's really been effecting me because I'm platueing. I haven't lost a single pound in a month. I know it's my diet. I'm still obsessed with this
Liquid Devil. I'm also in love with the Liquid Devil's Aunt:
I wish I was one of those people who gets completely grossed out by fast food and pop. I hate those people.

So after a lot of whining and tinkering with the idea of having a "No-Weigh May", Cory reminded me that losing weight was not the reason I started this fitness journey. While I was out hiking Badger on Sunday, I came home to a bathroom with no scale. WTF?! I couldn't believe it, but Cory hid the scale from me. And trust me, I've searched and can't find it. He's good.

I guess I'm being forced into my no-weighing myself month. I'm not exactly stoked about it, but I think it's for my own good. If you're reading this and want to join me in "No-Weigh May" please do!!! I need all the support I can get. This is going to be hard!!


The Hungry Runner Girl said...

YAY FOR CORY!!! I love that he hid the scale!!! You are SO MUCH MORE than a silly number and you CAN do this. Stay strong girl and we are all here for you!

Mom said...

I hate to weigh myself so Im with fact lets forget it altogether ;) Can you let kristen know so when I go in to see Dr. W. I wont have to get on the scale????

Jaclyn Stemp said...

First of all, I have to share my love for Cherry Coke!!! lol It is my all time favorite...just had to throw that out there! Next, I completely know how it is to want to weigh everyday and be disappointed if there is no weigh loss. Losing weight is so hard and I think you are doing a great job and it seems like you have found something you really enjoy (running) and which is also very good for you. Keep up the good work and don't get down on yourself!

Kt said...

Found your blog from Hungry Runner Girl and I love it! I also get super obsessed with numbers, it's too easy to fall into that trap, isn't it? You go girl, take a month off!

I have 3 girls, my first two are 11 months apart...don't you get lots of funny stares when you tell people how close your kids are? Yay for Irish Twins!! :)

Lauren said...

Just found your blog (thanks to Hungry Runner Girl), and I am now a follower. :)

Here recently I've allowed myself to become obsessed with my weight, even though what really matters to me is becoming a better runner.
So, I am joining you and am officially having a No Weigh May!

Katie @ Parker Report said...

Thanks guys for all your support. It means a lot to me! It's good to know I'm not alone on this struggle.
Yes KT, I get lots of weird looks. Especially that couple months when they are the same age!! People get confused lol

Kim said...

My sister told me about Hungry Runner Girl, so I started reading. From there, I came here. So far, I like what I've read! :) I didn't even own a scale until about 6 months ago and despite my weighing obsession I haven't lost very much weight. I am not very good at being "good" with food and running every day. Sigh.... Yet I still get on the scale almost daily and love or hate myself. It's a vicious cycle! Hooray for No Weigh May, I might just try it!!

Monica said...

Good luck, it would be tough for me. I have found that it is all about perspective. I weigh myself almost every day, but expect it to fluctuate by a few pounds. I look at it, make a mental note of where I am and shelf it so I can go about my day. My body's biggest desire is to be fat so I have to really work to stay where I want to be. Watching the scale is part of that for me. Hopefully not weighing yoruself for a month will help you figure out how to check your weight without being devestated if the numbers don't change. I hope this sounded supportive, not preachy, that was the interntion.
I'm glad that there are other people out there who will admit a love of soda and fast food. I try to eat healthy most of the time, but sometimes hot greasy fries, a burger, etc. are just so good.

michael. mindy. dane. said...

i just found your blog from hungry runner girl. i love this idea! i'm actually in teh same situation..i used to work out to lose weight, but i was constantly frustrated. if i went running and only burned 100 calories or so, it felt like a waste. at the beginning of this year, after being in a working out shlump, i decided to get back at it. but this time, it was for beign healthy and feeling good. of course i wanted to lose weight, but it wasn't my priority. anyway. i have definitely noticed that it makes working out SO much different! i enjoy it so much more! but i still step on the scale a few times a week hoping for some lost pounds. so far? nada. constant fluctuation, but no major loss. it's so frustrating! i think i should take this challenge with you..hmm. i'll think about it. anyway, just had to comment because i can totally relate!

Katie @ Parker Report said...

I'll tell Kristin for you, but you know she's Nurse Ratchett!! lol

Katie @ Parker Report said...

Welcome to the blog, I'm glad you found me! I totally hear what you're saying about it being a cycle. It's such an emotional rollercoaster! I'm hoping a scale ban will help me in that department!