Friday, January 25, 2013

Running Again. Again.

Guess what? I took a running break. A long one. After gaining a lot of weight back that I lost last year, and bathing suit weather annoyingly hovering behind me, I decided I need to start running again.

A couple weekends ago, we had some nice weather so I went running with my mom and sister. We ran for about 20 minutes, and it was super hard! Last night I decided to hit the treadmill after realizing exactly how many pounds I've actually put back on.

In September 2011, I hit my pre-baby weight goal. I stayed pretty committed to exercising and eating somewhat healthy throughout 2012, except for the end. Walked right off the plank. Jumped into the ocean of fast food and sitting on the couch. And promptly sank to the bottom. Mostly because of a fat ass. So now, I have a new goal weight and a new motivation to get back on the healthy ship.

So, back to the gym again I went tonight. It felt like starting over and it kinda bums me out. I'm sad to think about the long journey it took to get myself healthy last year and how quickly I let it go. I'm mad at myself for doing it. I never thought I would be a "yo-yo dieter", but here I am. After I beat myself up for awhile, I quit the boo-whoo'in and got motivated. Like me and Cory like to say, "Nothing worthwhile comes easy". So I'm ready to work hard again.

Here's how my numbers added up: 25 mins, 2 miles. Yahoo!
Hello Old Friends.....

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