Monday, May 9, 2011

March for Babies 2011 Recap

Sorry for the emotional post yesterday. Don't get me writing about my mom and my kids. I'll get all worked up and crying because I heart them so much.

So moving on- Thank you everyone who participated in March for Babies this year. I don't think I'll ever forget this years walk because it was the first year I ran the whole thing!! It's also the first time Cory didn't have baseball to coach so he got to come!

Parker and Callie were featured in the "Your Story Matters" tent again, which is always special. When I was taking my daughter to the bathroom after the race, I stopped to show their poster/story to her. There was a family in the tent that was so amazed by Parker and Callie's story and recognized Callie from her poster. They felt like they were meeting a little mini celebrity from the event. She immediatly got shy, but the families comments were very sweet.

Okay- onto the juicy details. I ran the full event with my Father In Law, Bruce. I am so glad he was with me because, believe me, I would have walked if it wasn't for him. This guy is 50 years old and can kick my butt anyday at running. He's done triathlons people. And won for his age group I might add. He helped me the whole way reminding me to push through the mentality of it all, and gave me some running tips too. Thanks Bruce! I think I might have to recruit him to run more races with me. And no, didn't realize I had a huge white toothpaste stain down the front of my shirt until AFTER the event.

As you know, I was planning on only running the first 3 miles. That plan was thrown out the window because actually, I didn't feel that bad and I had a great running partner. About mile 4 though, I hit the wall. I was pooped. My legs felt like cement blocks and I was slowing down. Even with the end in sight at mile 5, I couldn't push any further. Bruce wanted to sprint to the end, but my gas tank was empty. My pace went in the toilet, but it wasn't about to get me down! I had never ever ran that far before so finish time wasn't even in my mind. Bruce actually bikes that same path and taught me the route was actually closer to 6.25 miles long. HELLO PRD(Personal Record, Distance)!! There was no official timer for this race, so I had to use my iPod, which clocked us at 1 hr, 10 minutes. HELLO instant PR!

We totally blasted my goal of finishing in 90 minutes. Anyone think I can get under 1 hr next year? My legs and lower back were so sore that evening. I think it might be my crummy shoes. Okay, it's probably the fact that I doubled my usual distance. I don't think that's the proper way to go about increasing mileage, but I'm going to ignore that for now.

My mom also ran a HUGE portion of the event and came in only 10 minutes behind us. She's amazing. I'm so proud of her!!

My Dad, Grandma Lucy, Jaclyn, Avah, Parker, Callie, and Cory crossed the finish line as a group. They went at a nice pace for having 3 little ones with them. They stopped to throw rocks in the river and play on the toys. That's the way to enjoy a race guys!! I am so appreciative for my family because they helped watch the kids so I could meet my goal. Thank you so much family!!

My sister and her group of friends rounded out the event by coming in nearly last, which is awesome!! They also had little guys with them, so it was more about getting some fresh air and supporting a great cause. I really hope they had a good time and will come out again next year.

So that's it homies. I finished an unofficial 10K without stopping. What a great Mother's Day gift to myself!


Lauren said...

It sounds like you had an awesome day!
It is so great that it was a family event, too!

Mom said...

Bruce needs to make a recording of his "encouraging words" so I can download them on my ipod to listen to when I run