Saturday, June 9, 2012

Letter of the Week

We have been doing "letter of the week" activities over the last few weeks and I thought I would share what we've been doing for all my mom readers who might be interested. Parker and Callie both know their ABC's, but I'm trying to work with them on the sounds the letters make, as well as writing each letter clearly. They loooove playing "School" where they are the students and I'm the teacher. I decided to totally play that up and the think it's the funnest thing ever. Little do they know they are actually learning something. Muah Ha Ha!! At the beginning of the week, I will make a list of activities and what I'm doing on a certain day. This helps me stay on pace with our letter goals. Everyone that knows me knows I can get a little side-tracked and can have 30 projects going on at once. Not a good characteristic when you're trying to focus on 1 theme with a 3 and 4 year old. I try to make each teaching session super fun and under 30 minutes. I want the kids to think reading and writing are fun just like I do! So far- it's working! :) They ask me when can they do their homework?!! I know that question won't last forever!! We are currently working on the letter "C". At the beginning of the lesson, I always do the same thing. Have the kids practice writing the letter on the chalkboards, go over the sound, do 1 or 2 worksheets, then a super fun activity or maybe 2 depending on how enthusiastic the kids are. I got many printables from tonsoffunpreschoolactivities, rockabyebutterfly, and preschoolalphabet. Thank you Pintrest! For activites, we made Cupcakes, had an indoor Car wash with Parker's matchbox cars, decorated a big "C", played Candyland, used Alphie the Robot, made Clown faces, got library books about Cats, and just worked the letter "C" into our everyday activites. Look at all that hard work! Giving his trucks a "car wash" The the beauty of working with your kids over the can go at your own pace!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So what time should I drop Brady off for school? lol! Seriously, it's awesome what you are doing! You need to get me organized like that!