Sunday, June 17, 2012

Science Fun

Parker is in love with science right now.  Anything related to science- he's totally pumped.  The stars, moon, space, volcanoes, the human body, how anything and everything's awesome, and I have to admit, I'm learning a lot too.

I'm taking full advantage of this current excitement and have been busy googling and pinning preschool science experiments.  So the other day we goofed around with baking soda and vinegar.  Since we were working on the color "C", mixed in different Colors. We also practiced writing our letters in the baking soda before we added the vinegar. When it was time to mix, we used bulb syringes, regular syringes, and medicine droppers to drop the vinegar into the baking soda. Hey, when your mom is a nurse, these are the toys you get to play with, okay?!

You can see the vacuum on standby in the background in case Parker decided to turn this into a baking soda snow storm. The look on their faces when we mixed them were priceless. They were both so shocked! We learned about the word "observation", and the kids made some great comments about what they were seeing and touching. Next, our local community college had a kids night at the observatory. Along with their cousing, Avah, they got to tour the observatory, do arts and crafts, and look through a very high tech telescope. Most of the concepts described in the observatory were over their heads, but they still had a good time. While in the observatory, Parker got to push the button that made the roof spin around. Can you see his little face through the crowd? It was crammed full of people in there. Surprisingly, Callie raised her hand to answer a couple questions! When the teacher asked the kids "What is the most famous star?" Callie raised her hand and answered, "Twinkle Star!?" Who can argue with that answer? Luckily, the clouds broke at the end, and the kids got to look at the sun through the special telescope. Yay for science!

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