Thursday, September 25, 2008

Happy Birthdays!

Happy birthday to my mom and Cory's brother, Chase! Yay! Parker is 11 months old today too and Ms. Callie Dee will be 3 weeks old tomorrow! Whew..what a week to celebrate!

As for Cory, we are still waiting....

I wanted to share with you guys this awesome deal I found on moneysavingmom. It's for a ton of free picture prints on

New members can get one photo book for $4.99 (with free shipping) when you use coupon code PB499.

Plus, use coupon code free10xbooks to get an additional 10 free 8x8 photo books from ArtsCow (you still have to pay shipping, but these might make a fairly inexpensive Christmas present for some on your list).

Also, use gift certificate FREE800 to get 800 free prints (again, you still have to pay shipping and you can only redeem 50 prints per month, but it might still be a good deal for some of you. To redeem the coupon code, login to, go to "Members Area", then to "Credit and Discount", and then enter the Gift Certificate and click "Validate".)

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Do you realize you have a kidney relief ad on your page now? If Cory wasn't in so much pain it would be funny!