Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February Rewind

Who doesn't love an extra day? Hope you had an awesome Leap Year Day! I spent my day doing some this:

A Shark Vac's amazing!! I used coupons and gift cards (that were from our wedding!!) so I got an awesome deal.

I also had to pop into work for some training, and for dinner I got to eat Costa Vida.mmmmmm!!

It was a fun last day of February. So here's my month in review...not very exciting since we were sick pretty much all month.

Total Miles: Only 20! Yikes!
Longest Run: 4 miles
Races: Nada. I barely made my training runs let alone a race!
Cross Training: Hiked and did some longer power walks.


Monthly Weight Loss: Gained a pound :(
Pounds Until Goal Weight : 9 more pounds
Year To Date Weight Loss: -3 pounds

While looking through my camera, I found one of the kids took this flattering photo of me that I think sums up my month of fitness efforts.


Books I'm Reading: I only read kids books this month..not sure if that counts!
Self Improvement: I seriously felt like I couldn't get ahead this month after taking care of sick kiddos and then myself getting sick. Who has time to improve themselves?! I DID however manage a couple small things that might not seem like much, but perked me up a little. I bought some new makeup for myself, a couple new tops. These are superficial things, but they help make a difference in my self esteem.

I did also spend a little time doing some early spring cleaning. Hard to think about spring when outside looks like this:

I started with Parker's closet. Here's the before:

Here's during...I think my face says it all:

Here's after: So far, Parker and I are doing a pretty good job of maintaining a clean closet. Let's see how many more hours it lasts...

Doing some major cleaning and getting rid of stuff always makes me feel better about myself!


Hooked it up this month with Kelly Clarkston "Stronger", more Glee soundtrack "We are Young".



This month I did do some new things- good and bad.

-Took my son to the ER. NOT what I had in mind for trying new things.
-Signed up to coach T-Ball!
-Made both kids a mini snuggie.."Snugglets"..sewed them myself :)
-Tried a bunch of new recipes that were fattening but muy bien.
-Took Parker on our first "date" while Cory and Callie attended the Father/Daughter Ball. We hit up Shakey's. Yum and Fun!


-Get back to training!!
-Use myfitnesspal regularly; at least 5 days a week
-Read a book for fun.
-Get out my St. Patty's decorations.

Buh-bye February!

Parker trying to put on his baby beenie he wore in the NICU.

1 comment:

Mom said...

LMAO love the behind pic!