Sunday, August 7, 2011

Fairies, Friends, Fore, and Four

What a fun weekend I had. Cory is out of town in LA watching his little brother play in the Area Code's a baseball I'm living it up single mama style!! :) I don't even know what that means, so nevermind.

Friday was Corrin's (my sister from another mister) birthday bash. We grabbed some dinner and drinks and ended up going to a couple bars. It was a lot of fun. I pretty much never go out to bars- but Corrin always makes me laugh and we have a good time always. I got to meet some of her friends too, which was awesome because now I can say I have more than um...3 friends?! Oh and we had our own 23 minute dance party in my car.

I signed Parker and Callie up for a YMCA putting golf tournament this weekend. My employer is a sponser of the event and they were short 2 teams. Enter my children. They did so good!! They got awesome goodie bags, prizes, and even a free dinner at the clubhouse! We ditched to dinner though and hit the buffet afterwards. Don't judge me for going to a buffet!! Putting works up an appetite!! My parents and Corrin came and we had a blast- I would totally do it again next year.

While Cory was out of town- I decided I would surprise him with a gift. I would get rid of the beloved binky while he was gone. Not me- the kids use it. I wanted to go cold turkey because that's how I've done everything from bottles to diapers and it's seemed to work for my kids. This time, I've been pumping them up for no more binks by showing them the Binky Fairy video and reading them the email she sent them.
Callie was resistant for a few minutes, but came around. The fairy left them each a gift they had asked for (Callie a dolly and Parker a Thomas the Train). I thought it would be an awful night of crying and begging from Callie- but nothing really happened. Parker doesn't even use them hardly at all except here and there, so I knew he wouldn't be a problem. So now we are on night 2. We will see how it goes, but I think we are going to be okay. I guess I was the one hanging on to them more than they were.

Onto a running note- I had my long run today because I blew it off on Saturday due to the golf tourney. 4 miles bay-bay! I'm pretty excited because this is my longest training run EVER! Took me 46:09 (that's about an average of an 11:30 mile). I did have to take a few walking breaks because it was SO hot. I actually was getting sick to my stomach I was so hot. ICK! I'm pretty proud though because I was able to run the last 5 minutes at a 9:40 pace. That's super duper fast for me.

For some randomness, I'm newly addicted to watching Mad Men on Netflix. Cory took my camera so I'm mooching pictures off my family and friends. Tuesday is a great day because it's when Cory comes home AND it's Corrin's bday AND it's my Friday AND my mom is making my favorite dinner. YAY! Did I mention my cat had kittens a few weeks ago? Yes, this is fun. My room redo is nearly done and I will share pics soon. My scale is broke again. Callie is mastering talking like a robot. So I think that's all with us.

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