We are excited to start a new family blog specifically to keep everyone updated about our little shining star, Parker. As you know he has already had an exciting start in life and I'm sure there will be more exciting stories to come.
At Parker's last Dr.'s appointment, which was on December 6th, he was 5 pounds, 9 ounces! Dr. Taylor decided we could try a couple weeks off Neosure (a supplement that adds calories and fat to breastmilk to help with weight gain) and see how he does! He has another appointment on December 17th to check his weight again so everyone think fat thoughts! Also, as of December 4th, Parker outgrew his preemie-sized diapers!! Yay!! We have a couple extra packs if anyone knows a family in need of them. We can't wait until he can fit into his newborn-sized clothes!! I think we own every preemie outfit in Kennewick!
Due to Parker being so early and being a certain weight, he needed to have an eye exam to check for ROP (retinopathy of prematurity which causes blindness). This happens because the blood vessels in the retina don't have time to mature and develop. There aren't any pediatric opthamologist in the Tri-Cities, so we went to Spokane. Poor little Parker got a lot of drops in his eyes and had to have little metal prongs hold his eyelids open! He threw a major fit, but luckily everything is completely normal and his retinas are already fully developed. Phew! They requested to see him back in a year for a normal check up and make sure he doesn't have decreased vision.
Also, we wanted to take a minute to let everyone know why exactly Parker has to be isolated from visitors and the "outside world". Due to being to being so premature and having spent so much time in the neonatal intensive care unit, he is at an extremely high risk to pick up any and every little germ out there. In these little guys, a simple common cold can be deadly. I know it may seem extreme, but we want to protect our little guy as much as possible. We know everyone wants Parker to be healthy so thanks for being so understanding. He is doing so good and we want to keep it that way!! This is why when Parker does have visitors, we will ask you to please wash your hands, and save visits for another time if you are having any signs of illness, like a runny nose or cough.
One more thing- The March of Dimes is an organization that helps with raising money and awareness to prevent prematurity. This year our family will be participating in the March of Dimes walk (used to be WalkAmerica- will now be March For Babies) that is held every year. We aren't sure of the dates yet but we will let you know. If you want to walk with us just let us know. We want to help celebrate the survival of all the preemies out there, and support those little ones that are fighting at this very moment.
Thanks to everyone and we hope you enjoy "The Parker Report"!
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