Sunday, January 24, 2010

March of Dimes Gala 2010

Last night was the first time Cory and I went to the March of Dimes Gala. It was such an awesome event! There were so many diffent wineries there, as well as great food, raffles, and even a live auction! Cory and I both got to get dressed up for a cause that is dear to our hearts. Still no camera charger, so no pics to share, which I'm pretty bummed about. I think I'm going to have to break down and buy that camera charger after all!!

We were inspired by 2 parents who shared their story of their daughter, Kate. Some of you who do March for Babies may recognize their team, "Kate's Team", who always have the bright green shirts. Kate was born at 23 weeks and only lived for 3 days. It was such a touching story about how this family turned something so tragic into something to help other families and babies. Although that was a very emotional part of the night, there was a lot of laughs too. Cory and I are not wine people at all, so it was pretty fun to learn and try such great wines from the area. We had a blast at our table too. We are so blessed that Kate Lampson invited us..thanks Kate!!! I wished we could have stayed and danced some at the end of the night since there was a live band, but well, we all know how Cory doesn't mix well with dancing!

The most important thing I got from last night was not only how lucky we are to have 2 healthy kids, but it really motivated me to put in some extra time trying to build our family team. I know we can do it!! (This is where I'm going to try to getcha!) Please go to and just check it out. Even if you can't donate any money, you can at least join our team for the walk in April. Even if you were a healthy baby, you've had a healthy baby, or you are pregnant...what a great way to give other moms and babies the same opportunities!!


Melissa said...

Glad you had such a good time! It would have been tough to listen to Kate's story!

Jen Burns said...

We walked with Kate's team two years ago. My sister in law is good friends with them, well she actually used to work for Brian. Anyway - their story is inspiring and heartbreaking.

I'm glad you guys had a fun night out!