Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Got an email today from the March of Dimes Washington Chapter...March for Babies date has been announced....APRIL 25TH!!! So make sure you sign up for our team and walk with us to support the March of Dimes. Registration and fundraising starts December 8th. Stay tuned for our official team name this week so you can sign up. We won't be "Team Parker" this year, as cousin Brady and Ms. Callie Bug were also born premature, and we want to incorporate everyone into our family team name.

Also, remember that petition I bugged you all to sign? Well we have success! Here's what the email said: In May 2008, after testimony from the March of Dimes, the Washington State Board of Health approved the addition of 15 disorders to be screened for at birth. Now more than 80,000 babies born every year in Washington State will be screened for 27 conditions at birth; and if any of these conditions are detected, treatments are available to enable the babies to live a normal, healthy life.

Good job everyone who helped! See, we do make a difference!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Yay! We are ready to go! Maybe we'll get to walk the whole thing this year!!