Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Callie is 2 months old already! She will have her 2 month appt. this week so I will let ya guys know how that goes. I don't have any concerns with her, just excited to see how much she weighs. She is mostly sleeping through the night now. She gets up once a night maybe 2 times a week. I'm so lucky, I know. I figure Parker didn't sleep through the night until about 5 1/2 months so I've paid my sleepless night dues. Miss Calliebell is full of smiles and trying to giggle. She mostly just takes a huge deep breath that sounds like a's pretty darn cute. She has just started "cooing" over this last week. Yes, she is very happy. She does have her diva side though. She is quick to cry when she's not happy and can be demanding at times! I just try to laugh it off.

Halloween was fun. The day before we went to Uncle Jason's work out where his whole office building does trick or treating for the kids. Parker was Superman, Callie was a lady bug, and Brady was a dragon. Callie slept the whole time, and eventually Brady went out too. Parker was the last man standing, but even he passed out on the way home in the car. Parker and Brady got lots of candy and one of the women Jason works with even got them toys! The next day was Halloween. We had plans to go out to Grammie's school and then to go with cousin Brady and Sebastian to downtown Kennewick for some trick or treating. Well, on the way out to Grammie's work, both babies fell asleep. I decided to keep driving around to let them sleep. Parker has been having what I think may be night terrors and part of helping that is to make sure he is getting plenty of sleep during the day. So anyway, I ended up driving around for 2 hours while they slept. Brady wasn't feeling well either so he was sleeping too! We ended up all just going out to dinner at Applebee's with the kids in their costumes. Our waiter was even dressed up as Jack Bauer from "CSI". The Knowlton family had to stay home though so Brady could rest. We still got to see him in his costume though and he looked real scary! lol!

Superman and my little lady love bug!

Brady the Dragon

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