Wow, it's been a month?! That can't be right! Well I guess it's been busy around here. Let me fill you in on the latest...
March For Babies was awesome!! We nearly quadrupled our team size from last year. And even though we didn't make our $1000 goal, Team Supreemie did raise about $400. That's a great accomplishment considering our economy. On a personal note, Parker and Callie were featured on the memory board and we shared their stories of prematurity. Mommy was bad though and didn't turn it in until last minute, so March of Dimes didn't have time to make it into a cool poster board like the other babies. Hopefully next year I won't be such a procrastinator.
On another note, Callie turned 8 months about a week ago. She's just being Callie! She's now sitting up on her own, army crawling around, and all she wants to do is stand!! She's actually getting really good at standing without me helping her, just holding onto her walking toy or the coffee table. Won't be long before she cruising. She's eating baby food...well kinda. She is very particular. So, she's also eating a lot of table foods and seems to like that better. Callie also now has her bottom 2 front teeth in also. She's babbling away and we love her little laugh! She adores her brother and wants to be everywhere he is, and doing everything he is doing. I tried introducing the sippy cup last week, but she had no interest in it at all besides holding it.
Parker is doing great too. Can you believe he's 18 months already?! I can't. He's walking great, even can put the jets on and do a little run. He's saying more words every week! Favorites are still "-ish" (fish), "off", "don't", "ooooh" (choo-choo)"ma-oon" (moon), "baoo" (book)and "yah". He likes putting his finger to his mouth and saying "ssshhh" too. Everytime he sees Callie sleeping, he does that. It's so cute. Wonder where he got that from? He's starting to learn he can put my hands on something if he wants me to do something for him. For example, he will use my hand to hold the remote if he wants to watch a favorite show, or grab my hand and put it on his book to read to him. Boy, he has found a new joy of reading too. Just wish he wouldn't always pick the same ones. He loves his books, especially "watch out for these weirdos", his Curious George book, his Elmo baseball book, and any book with a fish or moon in it. lol.
As for Cory and I, we are staying busy. Cory finished coaching freshman baseball last week. Varsity is in districts, so he is now helping them with coaching. And Uncle Trek is playing and doing awesome too!! I took a position at my previous employer, Lourdes Riverview. I had my first day back Monday and it was great. I love all my old coworkers there. It was like going home again. I hope to be able to pick up more hours there, so Cory and I can reach our goal of moving soon. 2 bedrooms + 4 people x a million toys=no room! I also am thinking about training for a half marathon in the fall. What do ya think about that? I absolutley hate running, but it's one of the things on my list to do before I'm 30. Plus, I need to lose weight, so maybe it will help kill 2 birds with 1 stone. That's the latest with us. I'm going to try and post more, sorry! I'm a slacker!!
1 comment:
I know a REALLY fantastic Realtor when you're ready to buy a house - and sell your current one!!! lol. I like to whore out my husband whenever possible. He has some clients you can get a reference from ;)
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