Parker had his 4 month check up on Tuesday. Everything went really well! Parker weighed 12 pounds and even better news- He's on the growth chart now!! Yay!! We are so excited!! He has reached the 5th percentile. What a milestone! Dr. Taylor probably thought I was crazy because I got pretty emotional when he told me. haha! Parker got more shots and did great. His nurse felt worse than he did! It's hard to give such a sweet boy shots! :)
The Dr. also swabbed his tongue to check for yeast to try and figure out if he really has thrush, or just a white tongue. When the Dr. looked under the microscope, he could not see any yeast. It is probably just formula sticking to his tongue. They are still sending it to the lab to make sure, so we should hear a definate answer next week.
Also, it's time to start Parker on his rice cereal and then move on to veggies, and then fruits. I can't believe he's growing so fast! He seems to be a little unsure about the rice cereal, but I'm sure he'll get the hang of it. He always does things on his own time table as we all know.
Parker has been having a great time with Grandpa while I'm at work. My Dad is so awesome and loves hanging out with his grandson. Cory has been hard at work trying to get the screenprinting business going again and ordered equipment yesterday! So sometime in March, they will be actually opening their doors! Cory has really wanted to do this for a long time, so he's pretty excited.
As for me, it's been hard going back to work, but easy at the same time. I really love Riverview and enjoy being around my co workers again. I'm working for a different Dr. to accomadate my part time schedule. Everyone knows I really miss Dr. Taylor but I'm getting used to my new position. It's very hard to leave Parker in the morning because this is when he is the most happy and smiley. I think he has fun no matter who he's with though.
Anyway, Parker has his second to last RSV shot next week, so that's exciting too! Poor kid's thighs are going to be so sore!
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