Callie had her 18 month check up a couple weeks ago and Parker had his first dental appointment. They were both kinda crazy, but let's start with the Callie update...
My little girl is 21 pounds, 32 1/4 inches tall!! Crazy right? Dr. said he thinks she might be tall and skinny! She can't be from this family then, right?! Well, we do have some relatives on both sides with that kind of body type, so maybe she has some gene in there to get her going. He said she will probably be a taller than me. Won't that be weird? Other than that, everything was great. She got 4 shots..only 1 more at her next appointment and she's done till kindergarten. Wow.
As for Parker's dental appointment...well, let's just say he wasn't very cooperative. I had to wake him up to take him, which is never a good thing. He cried the whole time. At least the dentist got a good look at his teeth though. Unfortunately, he threw the dentist's tools at him, and threw the toothbrush at the hygenist twice. He wasn't in the best of moods. Everything was in good shape though, which is good news. He doesn't have in his very back molars yet, so those should be coming in sometime before he is 3. More teething? I thought I was done with that with him. Oh well! Good times ahead!!
Cory started baseball season, with their first game against Ike this weekend. They won 12-2! Yay! My mom and I (well mostly my mom) made Callie the cutest little orange and black flower pin to wear to the game, as well as a little hair clip. Gotta keep her lookin girlie, even during baseball games!
So with Cory working full time and coaching baseball, he only has 1 day off..Sundays. This means a lot of our home projects are kinda on hold for the moment. One of my main goals is to start taking before and after pics of our house so we can see all the hard we are doing is actually paying off. Callie's room is pretty much all done, so I will try to get pics up soon of that. My 2 main focuses right now are March for Babies and next up...planing my high school class of 2001's 10 year reunion! We will be having our first meeting coming up in April. Should be fun to get some of those memories flowing again!!